Jen and Tim talk about a movie that people still like to misinterpret wildly even twenty years later: Fight Club!
Read Alexander Walker’s excoriating review from the Evening Standard.
‘The movie gradually makes its analogy with Nazi Germany even more overt. Pitt and Norton raid liposuction waste dumpsters at night, retrieving “the richest cream fat in the world”, that’s been siphoned out of the obese, and rendering it into red soap tablets they then flog to exclusive boutiques. It’s unbelievable any film would dare use, even as such a sick gag, a sequence reminiscent of that chapter of the Holocaust in which Nazi thoroughness rendered the Jews down into similar, no doubt less pricy soap bars. But Fight Club has no reticence, no memory, no shame.’
Alexander Walker on Fight Club
The artist Tim evoked but couldn’t name while discussing performance art is Tehching Hsieh. Watch his reminiscence on his remarkable work One Year Performance 1980 – 1981 (Time Clock Piece) on Vimeo.
Also, don’t miss our recent discussion of the unloved Aykroyd joint Nothing But Trouble with Chapo Trap House’s Matt Christman!