Tim and Jen dutifully cover the sequel to Cast a Deadly Spell, the Paul Schrader(!)-directed Witch Hunt.
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Jen erred and called Schrader’s 2022 film Master Gardener “Master.” Was she thinking of the Paul Thomas Anderson film The Master? Who knows!
Be sure to watch Tim’s webseries Assignment Unexplained! And visit his website! And follow timtoonstudio on Instagram!
Discussing Julian Sands’ death, Tim alluded to the disappearance of experienced hiker Bill Ewasko, which you can learn more about in episode 47 of Adam Walks Around.
View the miracle of electrical kitchen appliances as filtered through the horny fixation of a teenage girl in a short riffed for Mystery Science Theater 3000, Young Man’s Fancy. Damn, that girl is SO squishy. Was it even legal to be that squishy in the 1950s?!
Speaking of sexuality and decades long past, here is the paper Jen was talking about that debunks the myth of “hysteria treatments” for women in decades past. Author Hailie Lieberman warns that the spurious paper is “a cautionary tale for how easily falsehoods can become embedded in the humanities.”
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