Tim and Jen invite Alex Rancourt of the Saucer Cinema podcast to marvel at Saul Bass‘s disquieting sci-fi dreamscape, Phase IV!
View the alternate ending that should have been the theatrical ending to Phase IV on YouTube.
A couple of interesting side notes about the Oscar-winning faux documentary Alex mentioned, The Hellstrom Chronicle: it was conceived and executive produced by David L. Wolper, the TV stalwart who shepherded massively successful television miniseries like Roots and The Thorn Birds, as well as the opening and closing ceremonies of the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles. Additionally, Walon Green, the screenwriter perhaps best known for William Friedkin‘s sleeper masterpiece Sorcerer, co-directed and produced the film.
A quick web search proved that the busty wasp mentioned by Alex isn’t real, except perhaps in our hearts.
We alluded briefly to this article at Dennis Cooper’s blog discussing film treatments of LSD, with a fabulous collection of acid-related GIFs accompanying.