033 – Livin’ Large

Sean Morris joins Jen and Tim to discuss a favorite forgotten comedy, Livin’ Large, which prefigured “Marxist propaganda” film Sorry To Bother You! We make the connections and also ramble about symptoms of dystopia like SoundCloud rappers.

For more Sean, try our episode on the Warren Beatty comedy Bulworth!

008 – Nothing But Trouble

Dan Aykroyd in Nothing But Trouble (1991)

Jen is once again joined by Bitter Karella to suffer through Dan Aykroyd’s sole directorial credit, Nothing But Trouble! We have nothing else to say except that if you Google the Demi Moore picture we allude to, don’t do it at work.

For more Karella, try our episode on The Day the Clown Cried!

007 – The Day the Clown Cried

Jen invites author, artist, and asshole Bitter Karella on the show to discuss Jerry Lewis’s unfinished Holocaust, um, comedy-drama The Day the Clown Cried. Thanks to Flemish TV and Australo-German filmmaker Eric Friedler, enough footage from the notorious project has surfaced for us to discuss it. Shoutout to Friedler and the Library of Congress curator who were too important to talk to us.

001 – Ishtar

What’s left to say about Ishtar? Even the title is a synonym for Hollywood failure. But is it fair to brand it a one-star fiasco? For the inaugural episode of Have You Seen This?, Jen and Tim dare to travel to Ishtar.

Drawing from New Hollywood chronicler Peter Biskind, Jen and Tim discuss Elaine May’s directing style (and missteps), the performances of Dustin Hoffman and Warren Beatty, and whether or not Ishtar is actually, you know, funny.

Read Peter Biskind’s post mortem of Ishtar, excerpted from his biography of Warren Beatty.