234 – Black Rain

Blade Runner 1989

Tim and Jen spend a LOT of time picking over a mid-tier Ridley Scott-directed actioner: Black Rain from 1989!

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Errata: Jen says “Tanpei Monogatori” when she meant “Tantei Monogatari,” the detective TV show starring Black Rain’s antagonist, Yūsuku Matsuda. All those wasted years as a weeb and she still can’t pronounce Japanese words properly. Sad!

For a much clunkier (read: Cannon Films) take on East-meets-West culture clash, listen to our episode on Kinjite: Forbidden Subjects.

The historical swordsman neither of your hosts could think of the name of is, of course, Miyamoto Musashi. The Historian’s Hut has a nice compact rundown on his astonishing life.

180 – Kinjite: Forbidden Subjects

He’s not even in the FBI!

Tim and Jen look at the creepiest Charles Bronson film not directed by Michael Winner, Kinjite: Forbidden Subjects.

For just $5 a month, hear it and over 80 more episodes on our Patreon!

Regarding Jill Ireland leaving then-husband David McCallum for Bronson, longtime rumor says that Bronson reportedly told McCallum to his face, “I’m going to marry your wife.” However, McCallum disputes this, and apparently didn’t hold a grudge:

“‘I never hated him, Charlie was always a good friend,’ he says. ‘I find that when problems come along, worrying about them and getting anxious and negative is quite unnecessary. You can solve them, usually amicably. That’s what happened.’” 

McCallum to the Daily Mirror, 2016

Whatta guy!

Lateral move, really

CBR has the rundown on Cannon’s ersatz entry in the Macross/Robotech saga, the optimistically titled Robotech: The Movie. This archived Robotech fansite goes into even further detail on what went wrong. Please direct any further questions to our Robotech expert, Tim.

For more Cannon/Bronson (and J. Lee Thompson!), listen to our episode about 10 to Midnight, the movie with a nude serial killer. 

170 – Cats on Park Avenue

A cat on a skateboard from Cats on Park Avenue (1989)

Tim and Jen scratch their heads over a Japanese musical that’s positively infested with cats, Cats on Park Avenue. It has nothing to do with New York or the musical Cats.

Hear the whole episode on our Patreon and get access to more than 80 other bonus episodes!

Complex has the story on how Disney literally killed five golden retriever puppies while making Snow Buddies, a direct-to-video follow-up to Air Bud.

Marty Stouffer became popular with his Wild America series on PBS. A few of his ex-employees alleged that he staged many scenes in the show, which he denied.

You can watch the scene from Sledge Hammer! that Tim mentioned, and after that you can watch the whole series on YouTube, because it’s right there and it’s a great show!

For more musical madness, try our episode on the Dr. Seuss-penned The 5,000 Fingers of Dr. T!

125 – House

Miki Jinbo as the newly-dead Kung Fu in House (1977)

Tim and Jen are overwhelmed by the raw charisma of Jacques from the Seeking Derangements podcast in a truly chaotic episode nominally about the chaotic 1977 film House!

Hear the whole episode at our Patreon and get access to more than 50+ bonus episodes!

Via Senses of Cinema, read a retrospective on Nobuhiko Obayashi’s career that also serves as a defense of his filmmaking style.

You can see a sampling of Obayashi’s commercial work on YouTube. Don’t miss the MANDOM spot starring Charles Bronson.